Their penis size is a small number of men. Although throughout their life experiences show that 10-13 cm available is enough for a full sex life and comfortable close communication with women, most of the stronger sex consciously or unconsciously thinks of penis enhancement, or at least about the possibility of such. And in the modern world there are many such opportunities, and one of them is the pump for penis enlargement.
The mechanism of penis enlargement with vacuum
Experts recommend using a vacuum pump not only to enlarge the penis, but also to treat certain disorders in the genital area.
Thanks to the erection pump, the penis can "stand" long enough, that is, in a state of excitement, until a man is ready to have sexual intercourse and get sexual satisfaction in the process.
But often this tool is used specifically to enlarge the penis. The vacuum pump works simply - thanks to the action of the mechanism inside the cylinder, where the "patient" is placed, air is pumped out and a low pressure area is formed. Vacuum removal causes blood flow to the penis, which fills the tissue and makes it enlarge. As a result, the organs grow larger and harder, and the incoming blood appears to be locked, so that the penis remains swollen - excited - for 30-60 minutes.
There are two main types of penis enlargement vacuum pumps: hand pumps and electric pumps. Obviously, the difference lies in the way the pump works:

- devices with manual mechanisms are hollow cylinders for the penis (20 cm long and 5-6 cm in diameter) and hand pumps ("pears"), through which air is sucked out of the cylinder;
- electrical appliances consist of the same cylinder filled with a vacuum thanks to the use of an electric pump.
The main advantage of manual pumps for penis enlargement is its price in terms of price, but if not, it is advisable to pay attention to electric models that provide a regular and even air vent, with vacuum washing intensity control.
Separately, we can choose this type of pump to lengthen the male penis, as a hydraulic pump. This device can be referred to as the next step in the development of a vacuum pump, more sophisticated and easy to use. Hydraulic pumps for penis enlargement are used as follows: with one hand, the patient holds the cylinder, directing it vertically upwards (with a hole), with the other, pinching the water valve blocking from below. The cylinder is filled with warm water, then the penis is soaked in it in the same position, after which the container is pressed tightly with the wavy part to the pubis. Important: the scrotum must be carefully removed from the place of action. When the cylinder is in the desired position, it is necessary to make 2-3 strong blows to compress the soot and create a strong vacuum.
Penis enlargement using any type of pump is a relatively effective technique, but requires significant costs - physical and emotional.

A man who wants to lengthen his penis should take care of the use of this tool on a regular basis and pour enough time for daily procedures. And even if these conditions are met, the end result will also depend on the individual characteristics of the male anatomy, that is, you can not expect that the penis will "grow" 10-15 cm, even after a prolonged procedure, a maximum of 3-6 cm.
Penis enlargement rules with pumps
Using a penis enlargement pump is as follows:
- Place the penis inside the cylinder and pump the air using a pump (manual or electric) to create a reduced pressure area around the penis.
- After reaching the erection, you should hold for a certain amount of time. The first two weeks, the procedure can be performed daily for 10 and 15 minutes, respectively, in the third or fourth week - twice a day for 10 and 15 minutes. In the fifth week, the training time is 20 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening, in the sixth week - twice a day for 20 minutes. Starting from the seventh week, to increase the penis with a pump, manipulation should be done three times daily for half an hour.
- To complete the procedure, it is necessary to enter the air into the pump cylinder by pressing the air valve (in the manual model it is located next to the bulb) or by opening a hole in the thermos.
Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat this device with an antiseptic agent and wash it with warm soapy water.
Important:Once the vacuum in the pump cylinder allows the penis to expand, an elastic ring should be attached to the base of the penis to prevent blood from flowing out and maintaining an erection. When the procedure is complete, the ring should be removed.

Here are some tips on how to use your pump to be beneficial and not harmful to men's health:
- before manipulation, you should remove the hair in the crotch area, using a cream lubricant on the penis, which will protect the skin from excessive stretching and cracking;
- before starting to enlarge the penis with a pump, it is necessary to treat the tool with all its parts with an antiseptic agent and wash it with warm soapy water;
- Penis enlargement pumps should not be allowed to come into contact with boiling water, alcohol or peroxide solutions - this will destroy the structure, cause damage and potentially endanger health.
The use of products such as petroleum jelly, various cosmetic creams and vegetable oils as lubricants can also harm the products and the penis in them.
If the conditions listed are met (the instructions attached to each device will help clarify it), the vacuum pump will last a long time, and the results obtained from lengthening the penis with your own hands will be gratifying.
Pump Review
As the reviews show, it is very easy to become a tool owner to increase penis size nowadays. Such devices can be purchased at the pharmacy, can be ordered in online stores (you can find out how much the purchase costs, and whether delivery from home is possible, you can make a few "clicks"), or you can make it yourself (the question of how to make a device)homemade, solved by searching for information on the same Internet).
The following comments can be given on the efficiency of industrial pumps:
"I have been using the pump for over two years now, and I want to say that you have to handle it carefully, because if you pump it too much, you can break all the ships. Sometimes, of course, of course. , the penis does not increase, but becomes thicker and more natural by a few centimeters. "