Penis size is a teenager's concern, but after 20 years, when the body stops growing, men worry if the penis is large enough to satisfy their lover. Surgical intervention is only allowed if indicated. Therefore, dissatisfied with themselves began to find another way. How to enlarge the penis at home and what is needed for this - there are many methods and technologies to lengthen yourself, it is important to choose the most suitable for yourself.
The main way to increase penis size
If you gather information from a variety of sources, analyze the main methods, you can distinguish some of the most common:
- Special stickers. The effect is somewhat dubious.
- Increased training. Efficiency is also not tested by anything.
- Surgery. It is considered an unsafe procedure that can lead to various complications.
- Vacuum pump. Some of them may not be significant.
- Gel based on herbal ingredients. Carefully selected natural elements can bring good results.
"The more the better". For a long time, an adult was beaten with this truth - first, folklore with the worship of the phallus as a symbol of fertility and strength, then inexperienced friends, and then - dissatisfied girls, whose speech was only intended toinsulting masculinity. What do we get? More than 50% of men of reproductive age and older dream of adding a couple, or even more, a centimeter in their penis.
What is a normal penis size?
According to statistics, the average size of the penis in an upright state in the world ranges from 10 cm to 18 cm. Naturally, there are deviations up and down, but often this is due to geography (or race), descent or various pathologies (sheathed in very small or large sizes).
Also, the scientists found that at rest the penis length was 9 cm with a normal deviation of 2 centimeters.
When choosing middle-aged girls and women on the topic of penis measurement which they consider optimal for successful sexual intercourse, respondents focus on the thickness of the male genital organs, rather than on their length. According to the girls, the thickness is important, and the more, the easier they get and the more often they experience vaginal orgasm.
Enlarging the penis at home
There are several popular ways to enlarge the penis at home on the Internet and during listening. Let’s take a look at the most popular of them and find out what works and what is the marketing method for those who are desperate.
Penis enlargement with soda
Yes, yes, you heard right and you did not think. You can enlarge your penis with regular baking soda.
Some alternative practitioners recommend drinking 150 ml of water daily with one teaspoon of baking soda diluted in it.
Such solutions have a beneficial effect on the body, eliminate toxins and thus improve the quality and duration of intercourse. However, there are no reliable data confirming penis enlargement after taking soda solution.
The second way to enlarge your penis with baking soda is to take a warm bath. We took the same solution, which we talked about above, and put the male genital organs in it for 2-5 minutes. It is best to do this procedure an hour - 40 minutes before having intercourse.
The action of this method is due to increased blood circulation and vasodilation in the penis. That is, during an erection, you can rely on increasing your normal size by one to two centimeters in length and the same width. Keep in mind that the habit of bathing in warm water with soda is important, as the effects are temporary and nothing will happen from time to time.
Penis Enlargement Pump
Cunning scientists have created an incredible tool - a special pump to enlarge the penis at home.
The pump works at the expense of emptiness and is used not only to increase the size of the male penis, but also for various diseases, for example, erectile dysfunction, after surgery on the prostate gland or recovery after radiation therapy. Generally, benefits alone, and nothing more.
How the pump works
You insert your penis into the pump and create a vacuum effect in it using a special hand pump (or by pressing a button if the pump is electric). With a uniform increase in pressure, blood circulation in the penis is activated and its size increases, and more so than during a natural erection.
Advantages and disadvantages of using a penis pump
This method is the most harmless and with the proper use of a pump, it is impossible to injure yourself. However, with frequent use, bruises and mild bruises may occur due to trauma to vessels close to the skin.
How many centimeters of penis can be enlarged with a pump? If you are confident in real people reviews, definitely 10 percent. However, keep in mind that the effect of penis enlargement does not last forever, it usually lasts for several hours and after a few seconds the penis takes a normal size.
If the pump is used regularly, you can achieve a permanent effect, but in this case, it should be used several times daily for many years. And such frequency threatens you with lymph edema and darkens the skin.
Exercises to increase masculinity
There are some exercises to increase penis size. They aim to stretch the body of the penis closer and can remind you of an erotic massage or masturbation with some specific rules. The main method of penis enlargement at home using exercise is called jelqing.
Jelqing Techniques
Before exercising, it is necessary to warm the penis properly. This will protect you from injury and reduce the pain that can occur if you exercise too actively.
Set up an unforgettable heating pad. Heat a little table salt in a dry pan and place on socks. Apply warm socks to your penis one at a time to warm it from all sides.
If you do not feel disturbed by the heater, use a warm, damp cloth or shower, but do not sit too long.
After warming up your penis, start jelqing.
- Apply lubricant throughout the entire penis.
- Combine thumb and forefinger to form the round letter "o".
- Start moving the penis up and down, causing a slight arousal, but not causing a full erection.
- Now, when moving, make an effort, as if pressing a member. Pull the ring finger out slowly (more than 30 seconds) and avoid the head of the penis. 50 repetitions will suffice.
- Then you can start squeezing with the palm of your hand. Place the penis between your open palms and use a little effort, press for 10 seconds, then pull to the side and forward. Repeat 50 times.
Doing this simple exercise twice a day, you will get good results in penis enlargement. Keep in mind that the most important thing in jelqing is regular exercise.
One week after starting the jelqing, you can increase the number of representatives to 100 or 200, at your discretion and well-being.
According to reviews of men who practice jelqing regularly, on average they can increase by 2 cm.
Penis Enlargement Cream
You can often find ads for various creams and ointments to increase the size of the male limbs. And sometimes it can be very tempting - but of course, just anointed, and already a few extra centimeters in length and length.
In fact, all such ointments have only a temporary effect, as their composition causes an increase in local blood circulation and expands the cavernous bodies that make up the penis.
The composition of this cream is based on natural ingredients. For example, they may contain ginger root extract (which is a natural aphrodisiac, read more about them in additional sources), thistle, ginseng, collagen complex to increase penis tissue elasticity, and even some tannins.
Big Chicken Pill
Another discovery of modern medical genius is pills and capsules that increase penis size. Like ointments, its composition is based primarily on natural ingredients, which reduces the likelihood of harm and side effects during administration.
In addition to increasing penis length and thickness, pill manufacturers also promise increased libido, increased erections and longer sexual intercourse. Some also improve sperm quality and increase the chances of fertilization, which in itself is good for men planning to have children.
The only negative is that penis enlargement pills are not very readily available, they are not sold in every sex shop and even in online stores they are lacking.
And, of course, there is no scientifically proven data that would contradict or prove the capsule's ability to positively affect penis size, so its method is highly questionable.
Penis lengthens heavily
Yes, it does not seem to be. Some people are at risk of hanging weight from the penis to stretch it and thus increase its length. Needless to say that this is a futile pleasure that will lead, if not disappointing, to injury and rupture of the ligaments and body of the penis almost?
Do not try to hang a dumbbell from your own penis, take care of yourself and take care of possible offspring. :)
Penis enlargement with hormones
Penis enlargement with hormones is real, but only if you are under 15 years old. This is very disappointing. Otherwise, you will get a lot of negative effects from taking hormones.
In the bodybuilding community, there is an opinion that taking the hormone gonadotropin has a beneficial effect on the penis and causes its growth. In fact, there will be more side effects from the therapy. Yes, gonadotropin improves erection and the quality of sexual intercourse, but this is where all the excess ends and the problem begins, or more precisely, the hormonal disorders of the body.
There is also an opinion that testosterone is able to renew penis growth, and what does not grow during adolescence during this hormone surge, "grows" during hormone therapy. But in practice, it turns out that testosterone intake only affects 5% of those who want to make their penis bigger, which is comparable to zero effectiveness.
Penis enlargement surgery: fast and effective
In the world of modern plastic surgery, surgery to increase the length and width of the penis has become very popular. Let’s see how this is done and, in general, why.
Increase penis width with implants
Falloprosthetics is indicated for men with erectile dysfunction and any disease (congenital or acquired) that may affect their ability to have sexual intercourse.
All prostheses are individually selected and, depending on their type and cost, have their own characteristics. Thus, the latest generation prosthesis is a special inflatable and hydraulic prosthesis, which is introduced into the corpora cavernosa and performs a lost function.
Penis enlargement by injection
There are two types of injections used to increase the width and volume of the penis.
The first is to inject your own adipose tissue into the penis and it is called lipolifting. Very safe and fast recovery method no more than a few days.
The second type of injection is filling with hyaluronic acid. Using a syringe with a microneedle, a special gel is injected into the penis, which fills the space under the skin and increases the volume of the penis by 1-2 cm throughout it.
Penis elongated with surgery
Ligamentotomy - this is the name of the operation to increase the length of the male penis by cutting the ligament of the penis. In modern medicine, lasers are used, which cut a special ligament that holds the penis in the perineum area.
Therefore, you can increase the length of the penis to 3-5 cm, and the operation itself will not take more than 15 minutes.
How to enlarge your penis quickly at home
There are many ways to enlarge a penis at home, depending on the time of the result:
- jelqing - in complex you can add centimeters in a month;
- Kegel Complex;
- urut;
- cargo;
- increased medication;
- extender - effect in two days;
- vacuum pump;
- cream;
- attachment.
"Tip. To achieve very fast results, the choice of one drug will not help, you need a complex competent effect on the organ. "
How to enlarge your penis in a week
Hanging load
Hanging weight on the penis is a quick, but quite traumatic way. Weight acts on the ligaments with the corpus cavernosum, which helps stretch the length and increase the penis. There may be a slight increase in the penis in a week, and in 2 weeks the result of 1. 5-2 cm can be seen. What it takes to increase male organs in 7 days:
- Heat the penis.
- Fasten the plaster with a rope.
- Suspend the minimum load.
- Stay in this state for up to half an hour. If numbness is felt, the load is removed.
The load increases depending on the man's feelings. But abusive actions can be painful and crippling.
Extender is another tool that helps you enlarge your penis in a week. You can choose a vacuum, loop or belt. Looped is more economical in terms of cost, but does not provide convenience like other types. The essence of the extender is in stretching the phallus, so that the tissue grows to eliminate discomfort. The results are not short-lived, but if abused, it can affect the potential. We recommend using up to two hours a day.
How to grow a member in 5 minutes
Instant rise without consequences and forever is a myth. In five minutes, you can use the pump for a short time. But this is a temporary measure to increase measurement and maintain potential. The pump creates a vacuum that stimulates blood flow and enhances erections. The effect will disappear in an hour.
- The penis is treated with cream and inserted into a cylinder.
- To create a vacuum, air is pumped out. In this case, pressure is applied to the limbs.
- Increased blood flow gives an increase in masculinity in 5 minutes. This device has a pressure gauge that regulates the pressure.
How to grow members in one day
In a day, you can get short-term effects and stay with a quick increase. One of the safest methods of penis growth is a special attachment. Open type or closed type can be used. Such devices are suitable for long-term enhancement and increased erection. To extend it, it is recommended to choose the type of closed nozzle.
It is best to choose softer materials to maintain sensitivity. Silicone and latex tips are almost invisible. Similar devices are used for several hours. Many people say that the results will be visible in a few days. And in three days a man is already feeling more sleepy in bed.
Special attention is paid to creams and gels. The manufacturer guarantees the results within 1 day, but this depends on the direct function of the product. There are several types of drugs:
- short term (acting before sex);
- long term (the effect is achieved in about 2 days);
- as an aid: if other penis enlargement techniques are used in parallel.
The most radical method that not every man decides is surgery. Basically, the increase occurs within 3 days, and the duration of the effect is lifetime. Surgery is more suitable for men with obvious deviations in penis development. If the penis is less than 11 cm when upright, surgery may be allowed. A similar surgical procedure is performed for:
- Add length.
- Thickening.
"Important fact. The penis is surgically enlarged to 4 cm. The operation is performed by an experienced doctor under local anesthesia. "
The fastest way to enlarge your penis
After the method described above, the man will decide for himself how to enlarge his penis quickly and not endanger his health. It is important to understand that no more than 7% of people in the world have a real problem with their self-esteem. The advertised device will not provide long-term high quality results in a day. In this case, special massage and a healthy lifestyle are recommended.